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Company data of AVR GmbH

Headquater and Invoice Adress: Dr.-Otto-Neurath-Gasse 7, A-1220 Wien / Österreich
Managing Partner: DI Reinhard Olbrich / Managing Director: DI(FH) Tobias Olbrich
Phone: +43 (1) 282 21 61 / Mail: kontakt@avr-gmbh.at


VAT-ID: ATU15999105
Company register number: HG Wien 107745Z
Customs, EORI number: ATEOS1000023252
Tax number: 201/1794-21
Tax office: Vienna 21/22, Dr. Adolf-Schärfplatz 2, 1220 Wien

Raiffeisenbank: BIC: RLNWATWW / IBAN: AT263200000012083002
Oberbank: BIC: OBKLAT2L / IBAN: AT051500004971026630


ÖENACE-classification: 38.22-0
Entity GLN: 9008390049136
Location GLN, Vienna: 9008390099629
Employer number  (ÖGK): 9966404



Resposible for the content of this website: Managing Director: DI(FH) Tobias Olbrich
Webdesign: Katharina Olbrich-Friedl
Developement: Alexander Hofbauer



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